Tuesday 27 September 2011


The two words I have chosen are Time Travel & Queen.

I choose the word Time Travel, as it is a subject I am very interested in. I’ve always been fascinated with the whole concept and whether so day it will be a possibility. At the moment this topic is still quite popular due to the TV show “Doctor Who”, a show about a Doctor who travels through space and time. I think it will prove to be a very compelling topic which should throw up some fantastic research.

The word Queen came from a random word generator that I found online. The subject should prove gripping and could expend into some amusing and delightful areas. This could really expand to anything. The music bands “Queen” have been quite popular recently due to a musical show and the recent celebration of the leading band member’s birthday. Also the Queen of England and the Royal family in general, have been popular over the last few months due to the recent Royal wedding.

I will begin my research by creating mind maps and mood boards of each of the chosen words. I think this will make a good starting point to my research for the past, present and future of each of the topics. 

For the present research I would like to make the years as 2005-2011, leaving about 6 years for research to fall into this category.

Black= Research
Green=My opinion.

*A key to show the different colours/fonts used in my text to show the differences between my research and my opinion.


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  2. Time travel is a large topic so focus on a specific area and look at all the diverse connections within that.
    For your research you need to explore a diverse variety of ways that your chosen themes have been represented in the media, starting in the present and then over time.
    Also look at Google scholar and in educational and academic journals and papers to read and quote any academic research on these themes.
    Good diverse mind maps with a variety of pathways to direct your research.
