Tuesday 17 January 2012

[Categories 1-6]

[Category 1. Working Game Title]

Since it's a "Time Machine" application it will need a name relating to this or actually this. Unfortuently "Time Machine" is already both a movie (1966) and also a application Apple sells for Mac computers.

Since the application its self is a Time Machine I need to give the machine a name. I was thinking of "T.I.M.E Machine" or "T.I.M.E Device" as I want the name to say what the application actually is but at the same time I want a catchy, new name. The "T.I.M.E" could mean something with each initial of it's letter.

"Travelling Into Memories of Existence"
"Teleported Into Memories of Existence"

So the official game time would be:
"T.I.M.E Machine" or "T.I.M.E" Device

                                                                                                     (Updated 24.11.2012)
(Added 14.02.2012)
I decided to fit the Game Title all on one page as I also wanted to show the two logo's I had created for it. The other categories will most likely be on 1-2 pages.
[Category 2. IP Opportunity statement]

My IP Opportunity is the theme of ‘Time Travel’.

                                                                                                       (Added 17/01/2012. Last updated 03.02.2012)

[Category 3. IP Justification]
My IP Opportunity is the theme of ‘Time Travel’.
From the research I have conducted in Time Travel I’ve noticed that original ideas and products were more prominent in the past. The ideas seem to have been created and continued into the present and horizon due to their popularity. I feel like there is a market for a new idea of Time Travel and I think it hasn’t been taken to its full potential yet.

Media such as Doctor Who, Back to the Future, The Time Machine, The Terminator and Star Trek all fell into my past, present and horizon research. These movies became francises due to their popularity. “…it was the biggest film of the year, and involved thousands of kids (and adults come to that) dreams. Time Travel. The film delivered a science fiction geeky subject in a very non geeky way. A bit like Star Wars really, a science fiction film that appealed to non-science fiction geeks." (Curtis, D. 2006). The quotes really saying that an idea that uses Time Travel doesn’t have to be ‘geeky’ or ‘nerdy’ at all, it can actually appeal to such a wide audience.  It can also be applied to the video game market and is about to make a come back. An MMORPG that’s set to come out in 2012  ”The co-founder of Singapore-based firm Time Voyager is developing an online time travel game. And while his game is pushing the scientific barriers in the virtual world, Mr Loo is challenging the norms of funding in the real one." (Singh, P. 2011)

With all the continuation of these franchises and the increase in the market for Time Travel there is a gap for something new. This is why I decided on an application that actually lets you travel through time!

(Updated 27.02.2012)
[Category 4. Game genre]

After doing some research online I think the genre of the app will most likely be a ARG or Alternative Reality Game.

An ARG (Alternative Reality Game) is a gerne of game that uses the real world as a platform for the game. It uses narratives and media to deliver the game to players. This is normally used to promote video games or television shows before they are released but I think I can take this idea and use it as a game on it's own, without promoting anything.
(Added 24.11.2012)

[Category 5. Specification for target audience]
This game will have a wide target audience and could be played by anyone. The age up would be about 16+ due to reading and using the applications GPS and exploring around cities. Children who are younger than 16 could use the application with their parents help and guidance. 
                                                                                                      (Added 24.11.2012)

[Category 6. Broad Games Description]
This app will be used for 2 purposes. One will be a virtual scavenger hunt through time, the other used as a interactive tour guide for museums. If your in a major city eg. Manchester you can use this app to go back in time using GSP and a camera. Going through time will not only help users learn what the city was like in the past, but they can collect tokens and find clues to virtual and real life treasure. 
(Added 24.11.2012)
(Added 03.02.2012)
I've began the initial draft of the page for categories 1-6, I thought I would be able to fit all the information on 1 page but I wasn't able too. I think I'll need to split this into 2-3 pages as I would also like to have visuals and more explanation to each of the categories.
(Added 07.02.2012)
I created a mock up of a contents page, normally I wouldn't put a contents page in a pitch document but since this one will be 20-25 pages I feel the readers will need a guide to locate certain pages if need be.

(Added 24.02.2012)

[Presentation and beginning of XB3002]

During the Christmas Holidays I completed the first brief given to use and created 2 posters as well as a 2 minute presentation explaining my idea for my       IP.

My IP Opportunity is the theme of ‘Time Travel’.

From the research I have conducted in Time Travel I’ve noticed that original ideas and products were more prominent in the past. The ideas seem to have been created and continued into the present and horizon due to their popularity. I feel like there is a market for a new idea of Time Travel and I think it hasn’t been taken to its full potential yet.

My IP idea is to create an application that will let the user travel through time at the location they are currently at.

For example say your walking through town and see an old run down building. You may look at it and wonder what it was like when it was first built or what is originally was used for. With the simple opening of this app you can point the camera at the building and look through to see it in the past! 

These are the two posters I created for the presentation. One is the show the game, the other to show the USP (Unique selling points). I based the style off Victorian posters, using bold type fonts and a miss-mash of layouts.

After gaining the feedback from my presentation though I feel like more of a modern look will be much more appealing to a much wider audience. I shall discuss and see if this idea is liked much better as I feel a more modern look will apply its self much better to the overall look as well as smaller details such a design interface.