Tuesday 24 January 2012

[Category 15: Overview of Future Technology]

Technology is always evolving, it has progressed rapidly in the last 50 years, 
but it is in the last 20 years that we have seen the furthest leap. With this in 
mind this application could be on a brand new device that hasn’t been invented 
yet. Augmented reality is a new technology that has become very popular for 
instance, the 3DS uses it as part of a mini game built into the console. This 
technology cannot only be used for games but for marketing and information 
too.  These augmented reality business cards are a fantastic idea and would 
make you stand instantly out and has more potential to a client or an 
employer. The person you give it to simply holds it up to a webcam and the 
camera which registers the image on the card, a program then reads this and 
shows more information related to the card. This idea could be used for the
“ Museum” part of the application. 

This software is also being used in shops like Lego. “Having trouble picturing what that Lego monster castle/spaceship/robot will look like when assembled? Lego is rolling out augmented-reality store displays that show shoppers, in 3D animation, what a completed kit will look like.” (Hornyak, T. 2010) This was developed to help shoppers pick the best Lego set for them. They also have images of what it looks like on the box but with this new technology lets you go one further by holding up the box to a camera. It will 
show you a fully 3D rendered model which is animated. I think this is a 
brilliant idea that is very helpful. It’s an idea that was based on 
resolving a re-occurring problem of not knowing fully if the product 
it what it actually is on the box.

The devices we use in the future might even be wearable, such as these glasses. “In the future, this technology will be combined with augmented reality (AR) to create a near-invisible and natural user interface for your PMC.” (Chin, R. 2011) Using a combination of eye tracking technology, augmented reality and voice recognition software it’s quite like a computer you can wear on your face. This technology could really apply itself to my application. You could wear these glasses and actually see Time slips and old images of the area through the glasses. You could give voice commands to E.V.A about what you want to do too. Plus the glasses look quite stylish. “Your PMC will display information on your glasses much like a heads-up display (HUD), for instance, with symbols projected along the periphery. Look at a symbol and speak and your PMC will act on the broadcasted message.” (Chin, R. 2011)

Nokia has also created a pair of glasses, although they are more of a concept of something they might make in the future rather than a working model. You can see that they are a lot more like a pair of glasses but still function like the other pair, with voice activation, augmented reality and eye tracking. “If you watch the video, the glasses would be  considered a highly advanced HMD, but the overall message they are sending is way off-base. Nokia’s vision of the future lacks depth and creativity and instead relies on a sexed up futuristic form of texting?” (Jones, G. 2009). The video doesn’t really show the full potential of the glasses but they look a lot slicker and more like a pair of glasses than the other ones. Wears wouldn’t have to feel conscious about wearing this device as it looks like a normal pair of glasses. Both of these could host my application really well. Rather than cameras to look at the location the user could just use there eyes and the Augmented reality would appear on the screens. Also rather than scanning your finger the glasses could scan the users eye or voice to activate the application.

“Each method of viewing augmented reality has brought the experience closer to the eyes while giving increasing amounts of freedom to the user. Once you unplug yourself from a wall, one of the last logical steps in this progression is contact lenses.” (Jones, G. 2009).

With the development of augmented reality from screens to glasses, contact 
lenses seem the most logical route to go on. You would be plugged into all 
your information all the time, not needing any power or glasses. This would be 
very handy and really make my application feel real. The person would only 
need to look through the contact lens to see my application. The only downfall 
is with Augmented reality people can suffer headaches from it. Plus not 
everyone is keen on wearing contact lenses, especially if they were electronic. 
This could end up limiting the amount of people buying and using the application. It’s not ideal to cut a part of the market out like this. Augmented 
Reality in a contact lens might be for everyone but it could be a 
future technology. 

“In the film Minority Report, Tom Cruise utilizes amazing technologies from the year 2054, including talking billboards, jetpacks and, most famously, augmented reality gloves that allow him to interact with a computer interface without ever touching it.” (Parr, B. 2010) This technology was inspired from the film “Minority Report” (2002). The two students did this for a project and spent less than $100. They’re able to control a map on screen, click, and move icons and zoom in using the gloves. The gloves have sensors on that are worn under a webcam that registers the movements. I couldn’t directly apply this to the application buts it’s good to know about future technology.

With technology getting more compact and users getting busier, technology is 
now being designed for this type of lifestyle in mind. We have laptops and 
tablets but these are still rather big, not as small as the smart phones 
and other gadgets we carry. Now even computers are becoming small with 
the idea of having them project onto surfaces. This is saving space as it 
doesn’t need a screen, it’s already half the size of any laptop. 

“The concept would make it easy to project pictures, movies or presentations almost anywhere. Because the display stretches to fit the size of the available glass, the display could be much larger than that of a laptop but simpler to operate than a projector.” (Salvator, A. 2011). 

The design is very slick, small and modern. The GUI looks beautiful yet 
simple and could really be more user friendly. I think it’s a fantastic piece of 
technology and could really revolutionise the way we use computers.

With this research into future technology my application could end up running 
from any kid of device. Augmented Reality technology is evolving and becoming 
more accessible to the masses. It seems to be increasing in popularity that can 
only mean good things for this application. The devices I have discovered could 
really change the whole experience of this application. The user could look 
through their glasses and see “time slips” as they walk through the city. Plus 
with the idea of eye tracking and voice activation the application could become 
more user friendly than it already is. 

[Category 14: Marketing]

Added 26/01/2012
There are a few ideas I had about how to market this application. Since the application relies dependently only locations it could be helped along by he council of a city. 
-Say for example Manchester, the application could be taken on by them. Plus we would both gain something from it: the city would gain publicity and we would too. Plus if it proved successful we could be taken on by other city councils to promote their cities too.
-Another way it to create interactive tour guides for museums and National Trust sites. If the application was able to gain a contract with a chain of museums the app could be used at other sites too. Again it would both work in our favour and promote both sides of it.

The app could have other marketing too, such as a viral campaign. This could either be a advert or false news stories about time travellers or a ARG (or Alternative Reality Game) to guies people to find the app. 

The AVG could be that the "fictional" scientist who created the T.I.M.E machine have somehow had their work leaked on the internet. The people who find this would be enlisted by E.V.A to help find all the stolen information on various websites and solving puzzles to collect it all. Once they collected it all back and helped get back the "T.I.M.E Machine" they could be given a chance to download it before it's original date, or get it for a discounted price once released.

Finally simple marketing could include advertisements on the internet, TV and radio. It could be showcased on gadget and technology type shows or blogs.

[Category 13: USP's & Exciting Gameplay Features]

                    Added 26/01/2012
- Look through time with a click of the app!

- Making History come alive!

- Full 360' view of the area you're in!

- An interactive scavenger hunt through the past!

- Could be used in museums or National Trust sites as an interactive tour guide!

- A ultra modern interface and easy to use!

- Could be taken on with councils to promote their city!

This is the first application which lets the user look through time! With a simple click of the app the user can look through the camera and see a 3D world or the area and what it looked like in the past! The user can collect tokens and clues to find a virtual treasure or a real treasure hidden in a location.
(added 13/02/2012)

[Category 12: Game Mechanics]

Added 26/01/2012
The game mechanics mainly rely on both GSP and a good camera
(Added 23/02/2012)
This is a screenshot of how the app is loaded. When you first click on it you will come to this screen. You then have to hold your finger on the circle indicated. This will them "register" your fingerprint and will act as a disguise for the loading screen (the little white dot on the bar at the bottom will move to the right until it's fully loaded) The app will load and it'll be the main menu screen.
This fingerprint screen will be there when you first open the app once bought, but instead of taking you to the main menu it'll take you to the profile page where you fill in your details (name, age, location) to see if your eligible to come a user of "T.I.M.E" (which everyone is, it's just to back up the story)

[Category 11: Settings and Scenarios]

Old versions of the screenshots I created for the application.
(Photography by English, J. 2010)

First pages of the settings and scenarios.

[Category 10: Games Units Description]

My first tries of these pages.

The first try of the colour scheme and icons for the GUI design.

Samples of the GUI design for the main menu.

[Category 9: Main Character]

(Hand painted in Photoshop)

[Category 8: Story description]

"It's the future and scientists have discovered how to travel through time slips. These time slips have been discovered in major cities and can be accessed using the "T.I.M.E" device (Travelling Into Memories of Existence). With the help of a virtual assistant "E.V.A" (Existence Virtual Assistant) the user can look through time slips with the use of a device!"

(Added 03/02/2012)
"In the very distant future, a time were everything has changed, scientists have finally been able to create a machine that can travel through time. The scientists dubbed the machine “T.I.M.E Machine”, the initials standing for “Travelling Into Memories of Existence”. The machine works by locating time slips in areas filled the history and can able to user to travel through them safely.

With the time slips being so far into the past that original records of the area have become lost or decade with old age. scientists have hired people to travel through the slips to gain tokens or clues to what the area used to be like in the past. The scientist created "E.V.A" (Existence Virtual Assistant) to help the people travel through time and assists the people in any way she can. She also guides the users and makes sure they don’t create paradoxes.

With this new technology you can now travel into the past!

What will you find?"

[Category 7: Look & Feel]

I decided that for my game that I wanted a futuristic feel to it, rather than the Victorian style I had gone with in my initial posters. Here is a collection of images I have gathered from Google of the look I would like to achieve:
(Research collected using Google Images)
I wanted to base the whole look on a futuristic style, mainly using holograms and a colour palette of blues and blacks. I'd be keeping the GUI and menu systems clean and clear, with simple animated background. I want to give the person the feeling like they're using a very futuristic piece of software. Plus since the application will be giving the illusion of time travel and my research indicated time travel will only be scientifically available in the future I think a futuristic look is a better direction to go in. 

I thought collecting a few font ideas would be a good idea to give help to the overall style of the application. Here are some great examples I found:
(Fonts collected from graphixshare.com)
I also found some colour palettes from the website, Kular. It's a website were people can create colour palettes based on different themes and upload them for people to use. I've used them before for projects and they have been great help. Here are some I found:
(Colour palettes collected from http://kuler.adobe.com/)
This is a front page mock-up I did of the pitch document using this information.
I decided to add an image to the clocks to show that it means two different time periods. I found a photographer on flickr who has found old pictures of Preston and taken new ones which I was be using in the logo as well as document examples.
(Added 03/02/2012)
I put together a "Look and Feel" page for the Pitch Document, I'm not too keen on the layout right now and want to play around with it a bit before confirming one.
(Added 03/02/2012)
This is another I completed which I experimented with the layout a bit.
(Added 03/02/2012)