Tuesday 24 January 2012

[Category 14: Marketing]

Added 26/01/2012
There are a few ideas I had about how to market this application. Since the application relies dependently only locations it could be helped along by he council of a city. 
-Say for example Manchester, the application could be taken on by them. Plus we would both gain something from it: the city would gain publicity and we would too. Plus if it proved successful we could be taken on by other city councils to promote their cities too.
-Another way it to create interactive tour guides for museums and National Trust sites. If the application was able to gain a contract with a chain of museums the app could be used at other sites too. Again it would both work in our favour and promote both sides of it.

The app could have other marketing too, such as a viral campaign. This could either be a advert or false news stories about time travellers or a ARG (or Alternative Reality Game) to guies people to find the app. 

The AVG could be that the "fictional" scientist who created the T.I.M.E machine have somehow had their work leaked on the internet. The people who find this would be enlisted by E.V.A to help find all the stolen information on various websites and solving puzzles to collect it all. Once they collected it all back and helped get back the "T.I.M.E Machine" they could be given a chance to download it before it's original date, or get it for a discounted price once released.

Finally simple marketing could include advertisements on the internet, TV and radio. It could be showcased on gadget and technology type shows or blogs.

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