Tuesday 24 January 2012

[Category 13: USP's & Exciting Gameplay Features]

                    Added 26/01/2012
- Look through time with a click of the app!

- Making History come alive!

- Full 360' view of the area you're in!

- An interactive scavenger hunt through the past!

- Could be used in museums or National Trust sites as an interactive tour guide!

- A ultra modern interface and easy to use!

- Could be taken on with councils to promote their city!

This is the first application which lets the user look through time! With a simple click of the app the user can look through the camera and see a 3D world or the area and what it looked like in the past! The user can collect tokens and clues to find a virtual treasure or a real treasure hidden in a location.
(added 13/02/2012)

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