Tuesday 27 September 2011


After all the research I have conducted into both Queen and Time Travel I have come up with the following predications for each one.

I was worried at first that the initial research I did into the Royal Queen would show a declining popularity for her. However after doing some Horizons research it seems like she will be thrown into the public eye again.  It will be the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee that means a year of celebration "There will be a special bank holiday for the Diamond Jubilee. The 2012 late May bank holiday will be moved to Monday 4 June 2012 and an additional Jubilee bank holiday will be on Tuesday 5 June 2012." (Direct.Gov. 2011). Also the Queens speech has rumours that it will be filmed in 3D ”While this isn't set in stone, a spokesperson for Sky contacted the Guardian and said the company was "exploring the opportunity" of using 3D technology for the speech." (Chacksfield, M. 2011). I think that this will personally peak interest in the public, not only because it will be filmed in £D but it will be broadcast on Sky news for the first time. Also with the news that Kate and William will be Olympic ambassadors mean that the Royal family will be, not only in the British eye but the global eye "Olympic ambassadors are chosen to encourage and inspire the public to get behind the Olympics. With Prince William and Kate’s popularity, I’m sure that they will be able to do an outstanding job with this." (Unknown, 2011). From the present research this couple is already popular so tis will just add to their image and popularity.
For Queen the band I think their music will keep a constant flow of popularity. From the past and present research on them they are still going strong today, with both a musical and a book. The musical alone is proving a great success with awards being won and merchandise being sold ”The show has even won awards, including the BB2 radio Oliver Audience award.” I didn’t find anything for the future of the band though so this could indicate a slow declining of the bands popularity.
Fictional Queens seem to be as popular as ever and after my horizons research they just seem to keep coming. There has been a steady on going on fairy tale films and from the horizon research there are several films involving Queens in some way.
Overall I feel like the general idea and word of Queen will be going on for the next 5 years. It seems to appear in several different forms but it seems to be keeping a steady popularity in the eye of the public.

For Time Travel I seem to have noticed a pattern going on. This sub-genre has been popular for many years now, back from the time of Doctor Who and the film “The Time Machine” "The effects of the time machine itself and the transition scenes are quite good for the time - I recall as a child watching this film on television and being mesmerised by the passage of time, the scenery changes through George's window as the time streamed by, and the contrast between the Victorian household set and the future world" (Messick, K. 2006).  These shows and films are still seem as classics today in the present and many still continue, Back to the Future, Star Trek, Terminator and Doctor Who. I noticed to keep these franchises popular they have had to adapt over time "But, I can understand why some people may not appreciate it; it is a big shift in concept and implementation: the film is VERY different from olde Star Trek. But frankly; get over it, Star Trek needed a rejuvenation, and this is a superb one." (McManus, C. 2009). The horizon for Time Travel looks interesting and I predict a steady increase in its popularity, not only in media but also in the scientific world. "The first time travellers from the future could materialise on Earth within a few weeks. Physicists around the world are excitedly awaiting the start up of the £4.65 billion Large Hadron Collider, LHC - the most powerful atom-smasher ever built - which is supposed to shed new light on the particles and forces at work in the cosmos and reproduce conditions that date to near the Big Bang of creation." (Highfield, R. 2008). With new technologies being made as well as new discoveries I think the development of research into Time travel will be on going, I would even go as far to say that it will always be an interest in the scientific community to discover the answer or at least up come up with a solution. Through out my research both the science and the fiction sides of this have been closely linked. They tie very closely together now days and I believe they will continue to influence each other "We physicists used to laugh at Star Trek's warp factor. We don't laugh anymore. About 10 years ago, a Mexican relativist named Miguel Alcubierre was watching Star Trek, and he came up with a new solution to Einstein's [general relativity] equation. The loophole is negative matter -- Einstein never considered it." (Boyle, R. 2009). The fiction side of Time Travel is set to still be on-going. Some of the ideas are brand new such as the 3DS game “Time Traveller” but many are still on going franchises and existing ideas like Doctor Who, Terminator and Men in Black. There are some brand new ideas being released though, like the Time Travel MMORPG "Time Voyager is well positioned to lead in the new class of social network-centric MMORPG," said JD Yu. "The Time Voyager team has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to take a time travel MMORPG concept into a new level of social media experience." (Valecha, A. 2011)

Overall I think both of the words I have chosen will continue to be popular in the next 2-5 years. I’ve noticed that they have developed in look and feel over the years and both adapted to changes in the world to keep popular and in the public eye. If they can continue to keep adapting then they can keep going strong.

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