Tuesday 27 September 2011

IP Justification

My IP Opportunity is the theme of ‘Time Travel’.

From the research I have conducted in Time Travel I’ve noticed that original ideas and products were more prominent in the past. The ideas seem to have been created and continued into the present and horizon due to their popularity. I feel like there is a market for a new idea of Time Travel and I think it hasn’t been taken to its full potential yet.

Media such as Doctor Who, Back to the Future, The Time Machine, The Terminator and Star Trek all fell into my past research. From here, due to their popularity, they continued into the present such as Star Trek having a new film. "Many people are not happy with the new film but I really don't understand why? It is a fantastic way to refresh everything and while it rewrites history it is done in a completely explainable way and I look forward to many more films with hopefully the same actors who play their respective characters to perfection." (Pike, J. 2009). There defiantly is a theme of adaption in my Time Travel research on a whole. Many franchises have continued to be popular in the present research and continue right into my horizon research. "Yates has stated that a Doctor Who movie will take years to reach the big screen, adding: "It's a long journey and we're going to take our time with it."" (Sperling, D. 2011). A good example of adaption and development is Doctor Who. Not only is it carrying on its normal TV series but also it’s got plans to become a movie. It’s developing one franchise and keeping it fresh. It’s developing and trying to expand into new ideas.
I wanted to include this quote I found while doing my past research as I feel like it describes Time Travel on a whole  “…it was the biggest film of the year, and involved thousands of kids (and adults come to that) dreams. Time Travel. The film delivered a science fiction geeky subject in a very non geeky way. A bit like Star Wars really, a science fiction film that appealed to non-science fiction geeks." (Curtis, D. 2006). The quotes really saying that an idea that uses Time Travel doesn’t have to be ‘geeky’ or ‘nerdy’ at all, it can actually appeal to such a wide audience. It can be expanded and developed into new ideas like the new MMORPG that’s set to come out in 2012 ”The co-founder of Singapore-based firm Time Voyager is developing an online time travel game. And while his game is pushing the scientific barriers in the virtual world, Mr Loo is challenging the norms of funding in the real one." (Singh, P. 2011)

This is why I feel like there is a market in Time Travel, there’s a gap for a new idea as all the current Time Travel ideas have been continued through several years. There are some brand new ideas out there which prove that Time travel still hasn’t been expanded to it’s full capacity and I feel like it could still be extended into something new, exciting and something no one had ever seen before.

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