Tuesday 24 January 2012

[Category 8: Story description]

"It's the future and scientists have discovered how to travel through time slips. These time slips have been discovered in major cities and can be accessed using the "T.I.M.E" device (Travelling Into Memories of Existence). With the help of a virtual assistant "E.V.A" (Existence Virtual Assistant) the user can look through time slips with the use of a device!"

(Added 03/02/2012)
"In the very distant future, a time were everything has changed, scientists have finally been able to create a machine that can travel through time. The scientists dubbed the machine “T.I.M.E Machine”, the initials standing for “Travelling Into Memories of Existence”. The machine works by locating time slips in areas filled the history and can able to user to travel through them safely.

With the time slips being so far into the past that original records of the area have become lost or decade with old age. scientists have hired people to travel through the slips to gain tokens or clues to what the area used to be like in the past. The scientist created "E.V.A" (Existence Virtual Assistant) to help the people travel through time and assists the people in any way she can. She also guides the users and makes sure they don’t create paradoxes.

With this new technology you can now travel into the past!

What will you find?"

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