Tuesday 27 September 2011

Queen [Present]

-:Queen of England:-

Using the mind map I created I thought I would first look into the Royal Family. It was the first thing I through then I was first given the word.

'The Firm': British royal family (Lawless, J. 2011)

This is the Royal Family in England today. They’re a very iconic family and are known world-wide. The Queen of England is also the Head of State in 15 other Commonwealth countries such as Canada and Australia. Queen Elizabeth was born in 1926 and is the eldest daughter of the famous King George VI. She was crowned the Queen of England at the age of 25 and has reigned for over 50 years. She married Prince Philip (the Duke of Edinburgh) and had 4 children (Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Edward and Prince Andrew). She also now has 8 grandchildren; Peter and Zara Philips, Prince William and Prince Harry, Princess Beatrice and Princes Eugenie and Lady Louise and Viscount.

The Queen’s image is used in lots of media today, such as money and stamps.

British currency (Chapmen, A. 2008)

The designs on the back of each coin made a "Sheild image" (Chapmen, A. 2008)

With the Queen being on all our money it's a media that everyone has. Her portrait has become very known due to he rbeing printed on our money (as well as stamps)

The Queen is also printed on other things too such as stamps. This stamps are used by the Royal Mail. Depending on what your sending and on how quickly you want it there you pick the stamp you would need.
Set of stamps with the Queen's face on (Unknown ,2006)
-:Movie: "The Queen":-
The Queen movie (Frears, S. 2006)

The Queen was released in cinemas in 2006 and was directed by Stephen Frears. The movie tells of the story of how the Queen coped with the death or Princess Diana. It shows her struggle and a series of events through this difficult time.

"Mirren is the key to it all in a performance sure to be nominated for an Oscar. She finds a way, even in a "behind the scenes" docudrama, to suggest that part of her character will always be behind the scenes. What a masterful performance, built on suggestion, implication and understatement" (Ebert, R. 2006)

Ebert was right, the film not only thanks to Helen Mirren (playing the Queen) was awarding winning but the film overall was recieved very well by everyone! The film won several awads including; Two BAFTA's, BMI, BSFC Award, British Independent Film Award an Oscar and many more. It was also nominated for several more awards.

"HRH Elizabeth was reported to be 'amused' by it, which is nice, except that strictly speaking, it's not a comedy..." (Papamichael, S. 2007)

I found this qoute quite funny to read. I didn't really think that the Queen herself would actually watch a film about herself. I guess she would though and i'm glad to hear that she liked it so much. I saw the film too shortly after it's DVD release and thought it was a great and gripping film. Most of us still remember the time when Princess Diana died so we can all relate to this event and the film. It's so interesting to see the Queen in a sort of "behind the scenes", she seems more like a person than a Queen.

-:Declining interest in the Royal Family:-
Coming soon...

-:Royal Wedding:-
If you ask anyone about the Royal Family and what they've done this year I bet 9/10 people will mention the Royal Wedding. The Royal Wedding was between Prince William (the Queens grandson) and Kate Middleton on Friday 29th April.
(AP, 2011)

"Catherine looked wonderfully elegant, and we were honoured to be part of such a special, historical day for our country." (Beckham, D. 2011)

I personally watched the event with my older sister, her boyfriend and my mum. I thought it was a great event and really brought all the country together. I had a great time watching it, it was like watching a fairytale take place. It was unreal and very beautiful. I know some of my friends refused to watch but I actually enjoyed watching it. 

The wedding was covered on the TV by the BBC. Over 34 million viewers watched the wedding. The wedding was also broadcasted on ITV, BBC iPlayer and the radio. As it was a Royal occasion many people got the day off to watch the event.

"Police estimate a million people lined the wedding procession route from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace on Friday." (BBC, 2011)
Millions of people turned out on the streets near the church and the palace just to get a glimse of the new couple. People from all over the world even came just to the special event. As such there is a lot of merchendies which was sold at the time to celebrate the couples wedding. These included mugs, plates, tea towels, books, DVDs, pictures, anything you could really think of. If there was something they could slap them on, they would. One company even sold Royal condoms.

 Royal Condoms ( Murano, G. 2011)

"Now there's a way to commemorate the royal wedding and keep your crown jewels safe at the same time. British manufacturer Crown Jewels Condoms of Distinction launched their royal wedding collector's edition condoms to celebrate the April 29 marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William. Along with the special condoms, the box comes with a pastel souvenir portrait of what the couple might look like on their wedding day." -(Murano, G. 2011)

I honestly wouldn't buy these myself if I needed condoms. I honestly don't really get why the company had started to sell these but I guess someone must have bought them.

The article I found these on had a list of bizarre merchandise which had been created for the Royal Wedding in mind. Some of the things included a toilet seat, a fridge and a sick bag.

Royal Lego wedding recreation ( Getty, 2011)

I just had to include this image of the Royal Wedding re-created in Lego. This was set up at LegoLand Windsor on the 1st April, almost a month before the actual ceremony. The amount of detail is intense, with Kate having her gloves and veil to celebrity Lego guest.

"The fine folks at Legoland built the entire "Royal Wedding" from Buckingham Palace to Kate Middleton's gown (and gloves) to guests including pregnant Victoria Beckham, Elton John and Sir Paul McCartney. "-(Zahm, G. 2011)

I've always loved Lego ever since I was a child. I think that love for it meant I had to add it into the research. Lego is a well known toy though and has been popular for several years, even having it's own theme parks around the world. I think this re-creation at the Windsor Legoland was both brilliant and ironic (as it's close to where the Royal Family live and where the wedding was held) I think it shows though that not only was the Royal Wedding replicated into several merchandise items, it was also re-created in different medias. It shows that it was a popular topic at the time and was used to get people to come to LegoLand.

This is a TV commercial which was created by the mobile company T-Mobile. They have had a history of making iconic and well known viral adverts to catch peoples attention. This one they uploaded to Youtube on the 15th April. It's had over 24 million views since then. 
The advert shows a spoof of what the wedding could be like. They got look-a-likes to play the Royal members as they all dance down the aile for Kate and William's wedding.

The T-Mobile Royal Wedding commercial (lifeisforsharing, 2011)

It's a very fun and eye catching advert. I remember watching for the first time with my mum while we were watching TV and I remember us both laughing about it. It was very rememurable and we talked about it for a long time afterwards, proving it was a very good advert
Many companies at the time I think tried to use the Royal Wedding as a way to get more buisness and more money, it was a very popular event as it's not every day that there is a Royal Wedding.

The event was watched all over the world, and with figures like this proves that Royal event and the Royal Family are still popular. I suppose this proves that maybe the Queen as a single person isn't as popular as the family on a whole. Maybe my reserach will have to branch of into Royal Families and other members such as Kings, Princess and Princes.

I found these Yankee candles on a eBay auction.They were sold after 14 bids for £12.65. They are a set of limited edition candles which the company "Yankee Candles" had created. They are a set of 9 candles for the Royal Wedding.
Not a lot of money but with 14 bids it proves that the item was popular and was in demand from the 14 bidders.

(eBay seller paulgail00906b4p7 2011)

"Yankee Candle Wedding Day The Royal Wedding Day Sampler Collection BNIB".

While on eBay I decided to have a lok for more items with the word "Queen" in. I found a few online auctions which were very popular. I first found a set of candle sticks. This auction gained 14 bids and sold in the end for £12.65 (an extra £2.85 for post and package)

(eBay seller mortonv73, 2011)
"Original Antique The Queen of Diamonds brass candlesticks".
They are a pair of Vicotiran candlesticks (so made in around 1850-1899). The item got a whopping 32 bids and sold for the grand price of £74 ,with an extra £6.50 for post and package. 

 (eBay seller gowergem, 2011)
"Solid Sterling Silver Queens Pattern Fish Eaters Hallmarked Sheffield 1931"
As the title of the item says, it's a set of 10 knives and forks. They're pure silver and we're produced in 1931. The item in the end recieved 18 bids and sold for a massive £112, with only £4.25 for the post and package.

(eBay seller granpip7, 2011)
"Superb 18th C Chinese Porcelain Fluted 'Eurpean Queen' Teabowl and Saucer" is the title of the item. This item is a matching tea bowl and saucer which originated from China and was created in "QIANLONG 18TH CENTURY" (granpip7, 2011). It gained a total of 13 bids and sold for £103.99 with £4.00 for post and package.


(eBay seller leehickling, 2011)
"VICTORIAN Silver MUFFINEER - London 1853 - Queen Anne style" 
This item is an old Muffineer, which is kind of an old salt shaker. You can put other herbs or spices in it too. This item gained a massive 17 bids and was finally sold for £77.00 (£.50 for the post and package).

All these eBay auctions prove that these items were very popular as they all had lots of bids and sold for quite a bit. I don't think it proves that the Queen herself is poplluar but these old Victorian items that have a link to Royality and Queens are popular.  Ithink my research might end up expanding into other different queens other than the Queen of England herself. I think I'll expand the research into Royality as a whole family rather than just one member as I think this area will prove to be more popular.

-:Queen (The Band):-

40 Years Of Queen Book (Outside Line, 2011)

"40 Years of Queen" is an official publication, and has been approved at every stage by the band. It shows and tells the story of a fantastically talented and popular group of musicians who have retained an enormous fanbase throughout their entire history. The book showcases the band, its members, recordings and concerts through images and the written word, as well as through the unique pieces of memorabilia that are from the private collections of Queen's members." -(Queen official website, 2011)

A book released celebrating 40 years of Queen. New never before seen images and other stuff was given out with the book. The band originally formed 40 years ago but they're still very popular today. 
The publishing of the book proves that the bands strong popularity still sells even if the band isn't together anymore or producing new songs.

-:"We will rock you!" (Stage musical):-

We will rock you poster (Millington, P. 2011)

“Everywhere, the kids watch the same movies, wear the same fashions and think the same thoughts. It’s a safe, happy, Ga Ga world. Unless you’re a rebel. Unless you want to Rock. On Planet Mall all the musical instruments are banned. The Company Computers generate tunes and everybody downloads them. It is an age of Boy Bands and of Girl Bands. Of Boy and Girl Bands. Of Girl Bands with a couple of boys in them that look like girls anyway. Nothing is left to chance, hits are scheduled years in advance.” (Queen Theatrical Productions, 2011)

The show was first released in 2002 and has been running ever since. It has songs that are well known from the band Queen. It has taken these songs and created a story line for them, so in other words turning rock songs into a musical  The show has even won awards, including the BB2 radio Oliver Audience award.

"Thank you to the tremendous talent that has come through our door and kept us rocking throughout the years." (May, B 2011)

The show is still running now and has performances every night. They even sell merchandise, such as clothing, key rings, books etc. that people can buy to remember the time they had at the musical. 

Collection of merchandise (Universal Music Group, 2011)

As you can see there is a variety of merchandise available for people to buy. They can access this from the official website and probably buy them after the show if they go to see it. Some of the items make sense like t-shirts and key-rings but I never expected to see a teddy bear for sale or drumsticks. I guess it proves that the show is both for adults and kids, as well as the show if very popular so they're able to whack the logo on anything and be able to sell it. I guess all this proves that the band Queen are still very popular today and are well loved.

-:"Lego" Freddie Mercury:-
A tribute to Freddie Mercury made with Lego (Heath, I. 2011) 
The singer of the band, Freddie Mercury, unfortunately died 20 years ago on the 24th November 1991. As a tribute to him a man called Iain Heath created this Lego recreation of the idol. “I wanted to create a model that captured Freddie's energy and joy. And Queen's concert at Wembley Stadium in the summer of 1986 (one of Freddie's final performances with Queen) seemed like the perfect source material.” (Heath, I. 2011)

The man has indeed become a very famous icon and his imagery is known worldwide. He still is very well remembered today, even though he died 20 years ago. There are many tributes to him as well as charities and awards set up in his name.

-:Queen "costumes":-
Freddie Mercury Break Free costume (Unknown, no date)

Freddie Mercury Wembley Costume (Unknown, no date)

Here are some fancy dress costumes you can buy. Want to be Freddie Mercury for Halloween or a fancy dress party? Well now you can. There are two versions I found; his woman version from the "I want to break free" video and his famous yellow jacket one from his Wembley Stadium concert. 
I have to admit the woman one really made me laugh. You would recognise these costumes straight away if I saw someone wearing them. Also the selling of them means that they are very popular and recognisable.


  1. Some images would help to enrich this post

  2. Overall you've done a lot of good research into different areas of both topics, I think it would be far more interesting with more images though. I think one thing you could mention is how some cultures don't believe in time travel (cultural sensitivity/cultural and religios implications). You could also mention how in some cultures they have different authority figures (why? what do they have instead...) - you could compare them. These topics are very different so it will be interesting to see how you develop your ideas.

  3. Queen bee, queen of hearts, snow-queen, gay queen, etc. You need to demonstrate some more divers connections with lots of tangents and imagery to illustrate your points, linking back to their permalink sources.
